LOW BACK SPRAIN/STRAIN- Low back sprain/strain occur when the soft tissue is torn or stretched beyond the normal range of motion. A strain is when muscles are stretched. A sprain occurs when the ligament are torn from their attachments. A low back strain/sprain is one of the most common causes of back pain.
SCIATICA- The average age for people to experience sciatica is between 30 and 50 years old. It’s important to note that Sciatica is a symptom of something else going on, such as a pelvic injury, which is putting pressure on the Sciatic nerve. The Sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body and starts in the spine and runs down the back of each leg. This nerve controls the muscles in the back of your knee, lower leg and provides sensation to the back of your thigh, lower leg and sole of your foot. When the sciatic nerve is compressed, it can cause a great deal of pain, weakness and numbness/tingling for the person experiencing it!
SYMPTOMS- Pain, weakness, numbness, or tingling in the leg. The type of pain experienced varies but might feel like a dull ache, burning, or mild tingling. Pain on one side of the buttock or leg that is worse when sitting. A constant pain in one side of the buttocks.
COXODYNIA (Tailbone pain)- Pain in the tailbone due to a traumatic injury or irritation of nerves in the area. Pain typically increases when sitting or putting pressure on your tailbone and takes at least 6 weeks to heal.
SYMPTOMS- Deep and/or sharp pain in the area on the tailbone.
PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME- Piriformis syndrome is typically felt in the buttock, lower back and thigh. It is caused when the piriformis muscle becomes tight and irritates the sciatic nerve. Piriformis syndrome is typically caused by poor biomechanics when running/walking, or from doing activities on uneven ground and/or hard surfaces. It can also be from increasing exercise intensity too quickly.
SYMPTOMS- Usually felt as pain and a deep ache in the buttock, hip and/or lower back. There is also stiffness and weakness felt by patients.
FACET JOINT SYNDROME- The facet joints are what connect the vertebrae to the spin. Like any other joint in the body, they allow for bending, twisting, and other movement. Facet joints can get inflamed with from arthritis or direct injury.
Pain or tenderness in the lower back.
Pain that increases with twisting or arching the body.
Neck pain
Shoulder pain
Difficulty rotating the head