Chiropractic medicine is a profession based on the relationship between the structure of the spine and the function of the nervous system. Because the nervous system controls and regulates all of the cells, tissues, and organs of the body, interference of the normal function of the nervous system can manifest itself in many ways, such as: pain, weakness, numbness, tingling, abnormal organ function, etc. If abnormal joint motion exists, this often creates nervous system dysfunction and sub-optimal performance. This condition is often referred to as a “subluxation” or a joint complex dysfunction. Additionally, abnormal joint motion can lead to compensation injuries, as other joints and muscles are required to work harder than usual thus creating overuse injury to the supporting structures. Chiropractors locate and manually correct these areas of imbalance in the spine and extremities and then rehabilitate the structures surrounding these joints in order to achieve stability, thus correcting the underlying cause of the problem (ie- chiropractic adjustments).
Dr. Rindal provides chiropractic in Seattle, Wa and is proficient in the following chiropractic adjusment techniques:
Palmer Package
Flexion Distraction
Impulse (Instrument assisted)
Extremity adjusting