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InHealth Podcast: Barefoot Running and Dr. Kevin Rindal


This is it folks: The first InHealth Podcast!

For this episode we'll talk a bit about barefoot running, why it's good for you and how it has made its way into the running community.  I'll also sit down with InHealth's own Dr. Kevin Rindal, Seattle Chiropracter extrordinare to discuss growing up in a chiropractic family, becoming part of the USA swim team staff and how his experience as an IronMan triathlete.

If you have any questions, comments, or topic suggestions, hop on over to the Podcast Page, or let us know in the comments section.

Don't miss a single episode!  Subscribe with your favorite podcatcher, iTunes or listen right from here. 

Happy Listening!

Listen to InHealth Podcast #1: Barefoot Running and Dr. Kevin Rindal

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If you have any questions, please feel free to email Kevin Rindal, Seattle Chiropractor at


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