Seattle Chiropractor: 5 Reasons Why You Might Not Be Injury Free… Yet
Posted by Kevin Rindal on Tue, Jun 07, 2011 @ 08:46 PM
The Seattle Chiropractor Report-
Are you one of those people who cannot seem to be active and stay injury free? Is one body part or another always breaking down and you are fed up. We put together a list of 5 reasons why you may be having difficulty recovering from an injury:
1. You don’t give your injury adequate time to rest. Let me put it this way… you’re a Type A. You don’t want to miss out on training or the activity that you love. So just when you are starting to turn a corner, you push it too much and find yourself back to square one.
2. You don’t take the time to do the proper exercises and stretching. With most injuries, it requires muscles strengthening and proper flexibility to fully recovery and get back to your training. So do yourself a huge favor and take 15 minutes to do your exercises. It will pay back in the long run!
3. You have poor biomechanics and genetics. You are one of those people who is just more susceptible to injuries either due to bone structure, biomechanics, or just the way you were built. So what can you do? Engage in preventative exercises and strength training.
4. You haven’t properly addressed scar tissue build-up. What do I mean by that? When your body experiences stress such as a slight strain/sprain, tissue typically experiences micro-tears. The body’s normal and natural response is to lay down scar tissue to heal the micro-tear. When you strain that same area again, more scar tissue is laid down until an adhesion is built up. Adhesions tend to be more serious than mico-tears and they start to affect the normal function of the muscles and decrease blood flow to the area. Often you will start to feel pain, stiffness, tightness and restricted movements. You can imagine that since adhesions diminish blood flow and restrict movement, it can cause even further biomechanical alterations and even further injury. Essentially a repetitive injury cycle has been set into motion and often repetitive injuries can lead to an acute injury. Most traditional treatments do not address scar tissue build-up , and only address symptoms rather than the underlying problems. Active Release Techniques (ART) and Graston Technique are two effective ways to address scar tissue build-up.
5. Poor nutrition, sleep, and other general health issues. You may have a difficult time recovering from an injury simply because there are other environmental factors affecting your general health. Obesity, stress etc. can all make it tough for your body to recover from an injury.
If you are finding that you cannot recover from an injury, run through this checklist and see if any of them apply to you! Are you sleeping enough, giving your injury proper time to heal, doing your exercises? All of these things are important in injury recovery. Have you addressed potential scar tissue build up and would Active Release Techniques (ART) or Graston Technique be helpful? We have many patients who walk through our door that have tried “everything” and Active Release Techniques (ART) is what finally helps them recover from an injury. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment or email me at
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Kevin Rindal,
Seattle Chiropractor at