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InHealth Event: Ski to Sea Team!

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The InHealth Event this week?  Kevin, Grant and I are headed to Bellingham this weekend to cheer on the InHealth Ski to Sea team! Last year the team placed second in the Masters Division, and this year they are hoping for first.  Training, team work and a little luck will hopefully get us there.  The race is sold out once again with a total of 500 teams!

The Bellingham Chamber of Commerce put together a "Ski to Sea Factoid" sheet which tells you about the history of the 100 year old race.

For those of you who haven't heard of the Ski to Sea Race, here is a run down.   

The Ski to Sea Festival consists of a 100 mile relay race of seven venues encompassing seven different sports, a historical hometown parade, and other special events provide a wide variety of entertainment and adventure for all who participate. A Ski to Sea Race team consists of 8 racers (2 in the canoe leg) for the seven race legs (Cross Country Ski; Downhill Ski/Snowboard; Running; Road Bike; Canoe; Mountain Bike; Kayak). A racer can only be on one team, and only complete one leg. We also recommend a support team to carpool the team to the different race leg venues. From the top of Mt. Baker to Bellingham Bay, discover Whatcom County's recreational playground and the 'Ski to Sea' Experience.


PS- If you are from Seattle and interested in racing next year on the InHealth team, send an email to   We start putting teams together almost a year in advanced!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email Kevin Rindal, Seattle Chiropractor at


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